
Game Overview

【Platform】NES (Family Computer)
【Manufacturer】CAPCOM CO., LTD.
【Release Date】1985/12/11

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Game Reviews

This is a World War II themed shooting game in which the player takes control of an American fighter plane and fights against Japanese military aircraft. The aircraft is the P-38 Lightning, and the enemy aircraft are named in Japanese style, although they are not actual aircraft models.

The player can somersault to dodge enemy bullets and body hits. While somersaulting, the aircraft cannot attack, but it is invincible. You can recover even if you are cornered, and there are no ground objects placed on the ground. Therefore, this game is unusual among shooting games in that it can be conquered even by intuition without having to remember the appearance of enemies and other objects.

The optional side fighters that support your ship and the boss character, Ayatollah, a super-sized aircraft, are just a few of the many highlights that have made this game popular with a wide range of players.

Game System

You control your ship with an 8-way lever and two buttons (shot and somersault). There is a limit of two shots and a limit of three somersaults per stage. When the stage is cleared, a bonus of 1000 points is added to the remaining number of somersaults, and the number of somersaults is reset.

There are no ground objects, and all enemies are airplanes. Zakos can be shot down with a single shot, but small and medium boss-like enemies cannot be defeated without shooting many bullets. There are green and gray color variants, with the gray ones being more durable.

Each stage displays the percentage of bullets shot down, and bonus points are awarded for clearing the stage accordingly.

Stages 1-4 are Midway, 5-8 are Marshall, 9-12 are Azz, 13-16 are Rabaul, 17-20 are Leyte, 21-24 are Saipan, 25-28 are Iwo Jima, and 29-32 are Okinawa.

Every 4 stages there is a bonus stage called “% AND POINT UP STAGE” where the enemy does not fire bullets at all (except for large aircraft, but depending on the difficulty setting, all aircraft may fire bullets). Of course, if you hit an enemy, you will miss.

The game is over when the number of remaining planes reaches 0.

If you clear all the stages, you will receive a bonus of 10 million points and the game is clear.

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